Our Services

  • Understand client risk tolerance
  • Understand client cost reduction goals
  • Supplier selection
  • Credit, reporting, and contract negotiation
  • Contract execution

Contract Negotiation

Teal Energy will manage the entire procurement process and manage your natural gas contract negotiation, execution and compliance.

After fully understanding your risk tolerance and your cost reduction goals, we will search for suppliers that will provide the correct fit to your business needs. A supplier with a robust supply presence in Canada coupled with strong credit, good pricing, transparent billing and trustful reporting.

We will customize an RFP and we will ensure your goals are met by designing an effective pricing strategy to mitigate risks for future periods. Furthermore, we will ensure that all the volume balancing is managed directly by the supplier to ensure cost transparency.

Teal Energy experts will assist you in establishing a customized strategic energy procurement plan, navigate risk and opportunities, and arrive at sustainable supply chain management solution that best meet your goals.

Have questions, or ready to start a project?

Want to learn more about how our services can help you reduce your natural gas expenditure? Contact us today. We are here for you!